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My Journey to Eve
For as long as I can remember, I have always thought about 'jumping' Eve, the first woman, for her indiscretions in the garden of Eden that led to the fall of mankind. There have been so many times, especially when dealing with uncomfortable female issues, I remember blurting out sarcastically, "Thanks Eve!" After all, if she had just kept it tight, things would be so much better.
I held onto that attitude for a while, until one day I sensed the Lord say to me, “You do the same things that you criticize Eve for.” That was not easy to hear. There is no way God could be saying that to me because, after all, I would never be that gullible or foolish, right? But as I took a deeper look into Eve’s story, I realized how true that statement was. I felt compelled to stop judging Eve and to take a long, hard look in the mirror. Am I falling for the same traps she did? Am I making the same mistakes? The truth is, if we’re honest, we can all see a bit of ourselves in Eve.
I am so thankful the Lord compelled me to take a deeper look into the fall of beautiful Eve. I now realize that this story is a gift to us all, but especially to women, a master class of all master classes. Although the enemy continues to attempt to quietly deceive, we can learn from Mother Eve how to shut those subtle doors in our own lives so that we not only stay in our own gardens of Eden but thrive there.
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